Choose What You Pay Pricing Model

July 23, 2020

Life isn’t fair. This is something my mother told me very many times for as long as I can remember (I’ve always been incredibly offended by injustices). That doesn’t mean we can’t work to level the playing field.

I have always wanted my creations to be affordable. Accessible to as much of the population as possible. After under-pricing my creations for a long while, I am approaching this from a new angle. I am pricing my designs according to their worth, following industry standard calculations and what the rules of successful businessing dictate. I am also piloting a “Choose What You Pay” discount model for the remainder of 2020.

Sometimes, in life, you just need a break. Something nice, and happy. I always want to give people a bit of a break when they need it. So I’m allowing you to apply sale prices when you need them.

As I’m implementing my new pricing structure, I will also be offering the following discount levels, to use at your discretion:

  • 10% discount – promocode “Choose10”
  • 20% discount – promocode “Choose20”
  • 30% discount – promocode “Choose30”

My pricing is designed to cover business costs and marketing strategies, and to allow for continued growth as a business. This includes investing in new designs, new equipment, and new techniques. Paying the full price on an item supports the development of my small business, and ensures I’ll be here for the long haul. These discounts eat into that growth margin, but do still cover the cost of materials and labour.

How does this make business sense?

“Won’t everybody choose the lowest price?” A lot of people would say this isn’t how to run a successful business. Maybe they’re right, but there’s some data to suggest otherwise. Some of my own experience thus far has also informed this decision.

I have an especially hard time taking money from family and friends. I instituted a discount for them, and tried to convince them to use it. Most wouldn’t, because they love my work and they want to support me and my business. But I know very well the discrepancies in finances, and I do want to offer a little extra support to anyone who needs it.

In the normal course of things, businesses run sales events at a variety of discount levels on their own schedule. Running this model puts the power in the customers’ hands. I’m also enabling all of my customers that want to and are able to support the growth of my business to do so.


There are a couple of exceptions to this discount model. The discount will not apply to items sold for charity, items already on sale, or to custom orders.



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